Annie T Hunt is an accomplished woman who has been on the receiving end of God’s grace and favor. As a child, she has been through tremendous mental turmoil and pain, but God and prayer brought her through it all.  Because of her pain, most people may have thrown in the towel, but she pressed through and became a valuable tool for the kingdom of God.

Annie is the wife of a retired Army SFC Drill Instructor.  Spending most of her time traveling in the USA and Germany as a supportive military spouse she was recognized and honored with the “Molly Pitcher and Margaret Corbin” award for the sacrifice and support she made while her husband was away fighting to keep our country free.

She acquired a bachelor’s degree in Biblical Studies from Victory University in Memphis Tennessee; and a master’s degree from Liberty University in Lynchburg, Virginia: Her degree was in, Human Services Counseling/ Marriage and Family.  She often counseled young women and teenage girls from church to the Youth village where she volunteer her time to help wayward teens.

Annie is also a new volunteer for The Baptist Hospital’s Hospice department where she helps patients and their caregivers with their loved ones that are close to their transitioning hour, which is another challenge.

She has also received personal recognition for “woman of the year” from her church.” She has taught in the “DOD school system in Schweinfurt Germany she often enjoyed the challenge, and she still will substitute for the Shelby County school system as time permits. She retired as a branch manager from a credit union of 28 years where she often shared her smile, joy, experiences, and advice.

Most of all she is striving to become an accomplished author, writer, wife, grandmother, and mother.  She spends her time studying the Word of God and teaching Sunday school, counseling young women, married or single, loving her grandsons, encouraging others and spending time with hubby, her two PIT Mixed babies, and going on vacation.

Her motto isIf I can touch someone along this way then my living was not in vain. What was the sense of me being saved if I could not share my life experiences to help my neighbor, then shame on me!